This year I planted a few Basil plants in my garden. They are producing like crazy, so rather than waste the fragrant and wonderful leaves, I found an easy recipie for pesto that can be frozen and kept for winter. If you have basil, this is a wonderful recipie to have.
2 c. fresh basil leaves, packed
1/2 c. grated paramsean or romano cheese
1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
1/3 c. pine nuts or walnuts (pine nuts can be expensive)
3 garlic cloves minces
salt and pepper to taste.
In a food processor (not a blender), pulse the basil, nuts, and garlic together. Add in a steady stream the olive oil while it is mixing. Add cheese and pulse a few more times. Add salt and pepper to taste.
To freeze:
Mix as directed, omitting the cheese. Freeze in silicone ice cube trays, put into ziploc bags when frozen, and store. To use, thaw, add the cheese and use over pasta, bread etc.
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1 week ago